Are Mistakes Fatal in Poker?

Monday, 30 September 2019

This question is best answered by the individuals interpretation of what a mistake is. No human being can go through life and not make mistakes especially at the poker tables, no matter the enormity. BUT, it is how you react to the mistakes made that differentiates us.
I love making mistakes! I learn from my mistakes and I believe become a better person and hopefully a better poker player.
Poker is not just about one hand, or one game or one tournament. Poker is a learning process that will continue as long as the game evolves, which in my mind, is forever. In order to improve poker skills you must adapt to be able to turn your mistakes into positive learning experiences. As one of my favourite Einstein quotes suggests:
"The definition of stupidity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
If you continue to make the same mistakes at the poker tables, it basically means you are not learning, you are not evolving. How can you expect to improve as a poker player and learn the game if you cannot learn from your own mistakes?
You will see people tend to beat them selves up for making mistakes. Try to avoid doing this. Learn to embrace your mistakes, especially at the poker tables, and treat them as a positive step towards you becoming a better poker player.
There is much to be learned in the game of poker, as there is in life. I believe quite often life imitates poker. Therefore, if you find the true methods to becoming a better poker player, you can also become a better person. Poker Power focuses on mindset and personal development, two key elements to becoming a better poker player.
Life is what you make of it and so is poker. Why be negative. Love life and love poker.
As the song goes, don't worry, be happy.
Til your next mistake,


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